SGP Membership

As a registered member of SGP, you are joining an active global community of academics, activists, advocates and feminists working to advance gender justice around the world.

If you’re interested but would like to know more, please connect with a member in your country or reach out to someone in the Secretariat – we’re happy to answer any questions!

If you are not able to afford membership, please reach out to us at and we can work with you to provide free membership.

To join an SGP Circle, please submit one of the sign-up forms below:

To join an SGP Committee, submit the Volunteer Interest Form

  • ​Diversity & Inclusion
  • Solidarity & Partnerships
  • Membership & Nominations
  • Events & Professional Development

Questions? Email us at

How much of your time are you able to donate to gender justice organizations this year? Along with whatever annual membership dues you may choose to pay, SGP asks all new or renewing members to consider pledging 4-40+ Solidarity Hours to any intersectional feminist cause, organization or initiative. And then if you like, you can let us know about how you've fulfilled your SGP Solidarity Hours!

How are you associated with the field of gender

What accessibility needs do you have? We will try to accommodate accessibility needs. This information is confidential to SGP Admins

Society of Gender Professionals

Annual registered membership benefits include:

  • Join/Contribute to an active and  growing global community of feminist academics, activists, and practitioners working to advance  gender justice around the world; current members cite belonging to SGP’s international community representing over 50 countries as one of the most valuable benefits of SGP membership. 
  • Find opportunities and networks for collaboration through the SGP membership database, and other SGP spaces, events or activities.
  • Strengthen leadership skills by getting involved in SGP Committees or the Secretariat. Members are also welcome to forge new leadership opportunities by launching an initiative within SGP that advances our collective mission.
  • Vote, nominate or run for annual elections to serve in co-leadership roles on the SGP team: Secretariat, Committees or Advisory  Council.
  • Strengthen collaboration skills by getting involved in Gender Circles and Gender Cafés. Launch, co-facilitate, or join an SGP Gender Circle to collaborate with peers in a feminist Community of Practice.
  • Engage in feminist co-mentorship and network-weaving in SGP’s Co-Mentorship Program.
  • Learn about gender issues in different parts of the world and across sectors.
  • Participate in SGP’s semi-annual Membership Meetings, which include opportunities for membership consultation to draw insights and recommendations into how SGP is run, and are a space for member engagement and networking or learning how to get more involved with SGP.
  • Connect to diverse feminist networks, jobs, events & calls for participation from around the globe.
  • Feature your gender work and career in our #HumansOfSGP campaign that reaches over 65,000 total followers and counting across SGP’s LinkedInInstagramFacebook, and Twitter feeds and closed groups, and our monthly newsletter.
  • Participate in our internship program to develop skills and networks to forge a career focused on gender issues.
  • Facilitate an affinity group or discussion around racial justice or other forms of oppression.
  • Propose new ideas or initiatives and work with the Secretariat to implement them! As SGP is fairly new, we are always expanding and growing, and there is room for member participation and ideas.

Membership Terms


SGP members are based in a variety of contexts and locations around the world. Instead of a fixed sum or scale for membership dues, we suggest that members contribute the equivalent monetary value of a meal at a restaurant in their local context. ;

Consider the following sliding scale membership fee examples (expressed in US dollars):
$2 - $15 Cost of a breakfast
$5 - $20 Cost of a lunch
$8 - $50 Cost of a dinner
$50 - $200 Cost of a night out for a family

To keep SGP membership as accessible as possible for diverse feminists around the world, paying dues is not an absolute requirement. If there is any financial or technical barrier to registration, reach out to for support processing your annual membership. 

Also, members may choose to commit a certain number of hours of time to rights-based initiatives, which we refer to as “solidarity hours,” as a part of their membership dues, or in place of a financial payment.

May your Solidarity Initiative hours contribute to feminist movement-building and gender justice across our global communities!

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